
Visit us on Indeed. We’re always looking for people passionate to make a difference.

At Phoenix Solutions we know that large corporations have high IT risk exposure and that it can be challenging to find ways to be generous. We created our IT asset disposition (ITAD) company to give corporations an easy outlet for end of life tech so they can have peace of mind and increased social impact.

These are the traits that our team members possess:


We protect the bottom line because we can’t drive impact if we’re not able to grow and innovate.


We believe that when story and generosity merge it creates massive social impact.

Loves Tech

We geek out with the IT hardware that we work with on a daily basis.

These are the actions that our team takes on a daily basis:

We Move Assets

We are always sourcing, receiving, processing, recycling, and selling IT assets.

We Confirm Details

We double-check, confirm and substantiate details. We are accurate.

We Iterate

We’re always learning and improving so we can be more effective and drive more impact.

Career Opportunities

Don’t see an opening? Send us an email, and let us know how you can add value and help us crush it!